Wednesday, 2 May 2012

My Mother's Passing

I have not been able to post for the past few weeks due to the final illness and death of my mother on the 17th April.  It was a bittersweet occasion.  My mother was a unique personality who affected all who knew her and changed the lives of a number of people for the better in her 94 years on this earth.  A few days before she died, she received the Sacrament of the Sick and despite her extreme frailty made the sign of the crosss with great reverence and recited the Hail Mary with the priest - adding one of her own for good measure. 

As with everything in her life, she had a unique approach to the Focolare Movement when I became involved with it in the 60s and 70s.  She was extremely generous to the Movement, lending it substantial sums of money, interest free for many,many years, and financing the education of the brother of an African focolarino - although she was far from wealthy herself.  At the same time, she subjected the Focolare Movement to the unflinchingly honest appraisal which characterised her approach to life.  I will be away for a few days, but my next post will be on my mother's views on the Focolare Movement and its teachings.